Thursday 19 August 2010

: D


so um, basically I've started to believe that you should just live your life, you only live once.
 i do regret school to a certain extent, but i enioyed every moment of it, i met some amazing people there and they made every moment worth being at school. however, i am dreading the thought of opening my gcse results as i really want to do well in my future and i really hope to get the results i need just so i can succeed with that!  summer this year has been pretty awful i must say and i am really looking forward to starting college, new place, new people, new subjects.
 i feel like its my first day of reception all over again. :) 

i finished school with a trip to glastonbury with dannaka and
 had the most amazing time ever, definitely an experience
 worth waiting for and i hope to go again next year! 

well, thats my educated side of life

bye for now.